Angie Lingerfelt Ruffolo has supported God’s Light tirelessly since the time her kids were in the choir, and well beyond. Jennifer, her younger child, has been out of God’s Light for 3 years, and Angie still works in the kitchen for most of our fundraising luncheons. This year Kim asked Angie if she wanted to join us on tour so she could see where her efforts were going. The rest of this post is Angie’s reflection on her experience with God’s Light on Tour.
I am honored to be able to write this journal. This is my first journal as a counselor on God’s Light choir tour. As most of you know my children went through God’s Light and are now out on their own and in college. I have cooked the meals for the monthly luncheons for over 10 years and have gotten to know the youth and interact with them this way. I always said I wanted to experience what my kids did just to see for myself. Last year I was asked to go on choir tour and I agreed but I will be honest: I was hesitant. It was the fear of the unknown. I worried about sleeping on a floor, when I would shower, riding on a bus for hours on end and all of the other responsibilities that goes with this job.
A good description of choir tour is “camp on wheels”. Each child has a job, there is a “lights out”, the Sunshine Crew that officially wakes you up, breakfast crew etc. All of the kids working together to get the job done. There are lots of late nights and early mornings that contribute to cranky kids.
Traveling by bus we have been able to see beautiful country, rivers, lakes, churches, buildings and people. I even got to experience a Canadian grocery shopping trip. Try and find American cheese slices in Canada….ha! Little did I know.
Staying in host homes was a great experience. Our kids got to interact with other families and their children. Parents please know that your children do know how to write thank you notes. Handwritten notes now days are scarce. The church in Hamilton Canada was going to hand out a thank you note that was written to each member on Sunday and let them read them that way. What a great idea.
There have been so many things that I have seen and experienced this week that it is impossible for me to write it all down. This has been a learning experience for me in so many ways. Our youth have been teaching me. Teaching me about love, compassion, responsibility and trust.
Parents and others that are reading this journal you have a lot to be proud of. I am proud. Proud to be with a group of kids who are so polite and respectful in so many ways. Every morning and evening there is a devotion given by one of the youth. It is amazing to see how God is working in their lives and leading them to the topics that they speak about each day. They automatically clap for the person who has prepared the devotion. These are things that they do without being told.
Throughout the trip I have been stopped by so many people and have been asked where we were from, what kind of group etc. Most of the responses have been the same, WOW! The thing that has been most impressive to many people is the fact that we have so many that sing and want to be in a church group.
We have had a few hotel stays along the way and the kids come and go leave their mark. We have sung for the ladies and staff at the Hampton Inn in Oneota, NY. These kids were a blessing to those women. They were so amazed at how polite our kids were. They came in. ate breakfast, fixed waffles, cereal and other things and when they left you would have not known they were there. They clean up after themselves. I have seen families of 4 leave a bigger mess.
Our days usually begin and end with loading luggage and sleeping bags. These kids don’t complain. Only once did I hear a comment and of course it was about my luggage and why it was so heavy. I just told them I had packed my pots and pans – after all they did get pizza at the hotel one night and some yummy cheese toast in the morning.
This whole choir tour thing is a well-oiled machine. Everyone has a job and everyone does it. It has been fun to watch the different personalities work together. Yes, there has been drama, after all they are teenagers. No child is ever left out. They always invite each other to eat with one another, sleep next to each other.
This trip clearly teaches a child so many life lessons. Lessons on how to manage money, be responsible, respectful and independent.
I am forever grateful to Kim for her dedication to God’s Light. These trips are one-of-a-kind life experiences. One-of-a-kind trips that I am so thankful my children got to go on and now me. Thanks to all of the kids who shared the last 11 days with me. It has been a great time!